Program: courtesy

The courtesy program can be used to identify and manipulate courtesy/cautionary accidentals in a musical score. Courtesy accidentals are optional accidentals that help clarify the chromatic alteration of a note. The courtesy accidental does not alter the pitch of the note since it matches the expected chromatic inflection of the note. The following musical example demonstrates a courtesy accidental in the second measure where the sharp is not required, since the F is already sharpened by the key signature, and the natural sign on the F in the previous measure is cancelled by the barline. In this case the courtesy accidental is used to alert the performer that the natural sign in the previous measure is not longer in effect. If there were no sharp on the F in the second measure, a performer may also wonder if the natural sign was omitted by mistake.

The courtesy program can identify and highlight notes with courtesy accidentals, remove these accidentals, or place the courtesy accidentals within parentheses.


-m Mark courtesy accidentals with the @courtesy named parameter.
-p Place courtesy accidentals in parentheses.
-P Remove parenthese around courtesy accidentals.
-r Remove courtesy accidentals from notes.
-R Redisplay courtesy accidentals (requires previous use of -k option)
-k Keep courtesy accidental analyses on notes (used in particular with -r option to recover accidentals later).
-e Convert cautionary accidentals to editorial accidentals.
-a Include pitch-analysis parameters in output data.
--lj Add LJ commands to end of output data for systems which have been altered.