Program: pagenum

The pagenum program identifies page numbers in SCORE data. Without options the program will generate a list of identified page numbers. The l will mark the page numbers with a @function: pagenum parameter.


-l Label page number items with a @function: pagenum parameter.
--top-only Only search for page numbers at the top of pages.
--bottom-only Only search for page numbers at the bottom of pages.
--text-only Only consider text items for page number candidates (don't consider number items).
--numbers-only Only consider number items for page number candidates (don't consider text items).
--above-cutoff 25.0 Page numbers must be at this vertical position or higher when searching the top staff of the page for page numbers.
--below-cutoff 20.0 Page numbers must be at this vertical position or lower when searching the bottom staff of the page for page numbers.